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jump cut造句

"jump cut"是什么意思  
  • Heavy metal music and innovative editing techniques jump cuts , dissolve . . . are also seen in the chasing scenes
  • Using the same jump cutting that made his beatles film a hard day s night ( 1964 ) , richard lester s vivid portrayal of how british men and women flirt does not only startle the u . k . audience , but also taunts the bizarre and motley amatory phenomenon of london
    黎斯特继承潮片《一夜狂欢》 ( 1964 )里的跳接手法,把英国街头青年男女的调情戏淋漓尽致地再现出来,令英国观众大吃一惊之馀,也讽刺地呈现了伦敦光怪陆离的情色社会现象。
  • The function of optimization cutting and automatically change the tools : when the tools in the middle should jump cut ( or all working tools should changeover ) , the computer can automatically control the tools in the middle ( or all working tools ) up and down , and also the gap of up and down just on the cut trace of the cross cutter so that reach optimization cutting and changing the size
  • It's difficult to see jump cut in a sentence. 用jump cut造句挺难的
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